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Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

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Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

CK2 substrates focused on the brain

CK2 substrates – Brain 

This resource was generated by Heike Rebholz, PhD, and members of her lab, Demetra Ballardin and Barbara Lecis.

Name of protein Phosphosite/s (h=human m=mouse sequence) In vitro In vivo/ex vivo (brain tissue if known) Function Ref
NMDAR N2b pS1480 (m) (r) Rat cortical and hypothalamic cultured neurons, Rat hippocampal membrane homogenates Disrupts its association with PDZ domain-containing proteins and drives NR2B-endocytosis Chung 2004, Sanz-Clemente 2010, Ye 2012
PTEN pS370/pS380/S382/pS383/S385 Hela cells PTEN stabilization and turnover Torres and Pulido, 2001
Darpp-32 pS97 (m) (rat) rat striatum Activates DARPP-32 + induces translocation to nucleus and of pHisH3 Girault 1989
Akt pS129 Jurkat, LNCaP cell line, HEK 293T cells Rat (hippocampus) stereotaxically transfected with plasmids increase in Akt catalytic activity Di Maira 2005, Chao 2007 (Chao paper in contradiction to others)
a-synuclein pS129 In vitro Sano 2021 doi.org/10.1186/s40478-021-01281-9
Topoisomerase IIa pS1469 (h) Hela S3 cells Chromatin condensation during prophase Escargueil 2000
Olig2 Developing mouse brain Xu 2020, Huillard 2010
Calmodulin pT79 In vitro, P is inhibited CK2b and enhanced by polybasic peptides.  Alters the interaction with downstream effectors (CamKII, NOS…) Meggio 1992, Arrigoni 2004
Muscarinic M3 acetylcholine receptor Induce switch to a Jun-kinase dependent pathway Torrecilla 2007
GluA1 pS567/S579 Hippocampal neurons Cell surface accumulation of GluA1 Lussier 2014
Synaptotagmin I pT128 (bovine) Solubilized bovine brain membranes and total brain homogenate modulation of its Ca2+ binding properties Davletov 1993, Bennet 1993
Syntaxin pS14 Rat brain homogenates and brain slices (p5) modulation of exocytosis/ involved in the distinction between active zones and nonsynaptic axonal membrane? Littleton 1995, Foletti 2000
Dynamin1 In vitro prevents phosphorylation by PKC Robinson 1993
voltage gated sodium channel NAv1 pS1112 Rat hippocampal neurons Enhancing its binding to ankyrin and accumulation at the axon initial segment + regulates CK2 accumulation in AIS Hien 2014
Hsp90/Cdc37 + FKBP51-2 Essential for chaperone function + increases or reduces Tau stability Miyata 2009, Storer 2011
Nrf1 In vitro Modulate the expression of proteasome genes Tsuchiya 2013
NFκB p65 pS529 In vitro Increases NFkB transcriptional activity Dan Wang 2000
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