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Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

CSNK2A1 Foundation Logo

Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

Quarterly Scientific Roundtable

CSNK2A1 Foundation is proud to host our Quarterly Scientific Roundtable: Path Towards Treatment

Our community is inspired by and thankful for your work. 

CSNK2A1 Foundation hosts a quarterly Scientific Roundtable to bring together researchers, clinicians, and innovators to exchange ideas and accelerate the path towards treatment for OCNDS. We understand that the key to successful rare disease research that leads to actionable therapeutics is collaboration, data sharing, and diverse thinking. As such, we have developed the following meeting rules below. These meeting rules are designed to facilitate a collaborative and respectful environment for scientific exchange during the scientific roundtable meeting. By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively enhance our understanding of OCNDS and work towards improving the lives of individuals affected by this condition.

Upcoming Roundtables 

Thursday, March 6 at 11:00am ET/8:00am PT

Presenter: Dr. Halim Loukil

Sanford Research

Topic: Cilia Phenotypes in OCNDS


For inquiries about presenting your work or for additional information about our Quarterly Scientific Roundtable, please email us at research@csnk2a1foundation.org.

Meeting Rules 


Confidentiality of Presentations:

All presentations made during the scientific roundtable meetings are considered confidential. Participants are expected to respect the intellectual property and privacy of the presenters by refraining from sharing or disclosing any content from the presentations without explicit permission.


Respectful and Constructive Dialogue:

Participants are encouraged to engage in respectful and constructive discussions during the scientific roundtable meeting. Diverse opinions and perspectives are valued, and participants should express their views in a manner that fosters a collaborative and supportive environment for scientific exchange.


Timely Arrival and Preparedness:

Participants should strive to arrive punctually for the meeting and be adequately prepared. Please review any distributed materials prior to the meeting to facilitate productive discussions and informed contributions.


Active Listening and Engagement:

Participants are expected to actively listen to presentations and engage in discussions by asking relevant questions and providing thoughtful insights so we can maximize the collective knowledge and expertise of the participants.


Data Sharing and Collaboration:

The scientific roundtable meeting aims to promote scientific progress and advance research OCNDS. Participants are encouraged to share their data, findings, and resources, within ethical and legal boundaries, to facilitate collaboration and accelerate scientific discovery in this field.


Professional Conduct and Collegiality:

Participants are expected to conduct themselves professionally and maintain a collegial atmosphere throughout the meeting. Mutual respect, courtesy, and open-mindedness are essential to creating a productive and inclusive environment for scientific exchange.


Compliance with Research Ethics:

All research and findings presented during the meeting should adhere to the highest standards of research ethics. Participants are responsible for ensuring the integrity and ethical conduct of their work and should be prepared to discuss any ethical considerations associated with their research.


Adherence to Time Limits:

To ensure a balanced and efficient meeting schedule, presenters are expected to adhere to the allocated time limits for their presentations.

Past Speakers 

11/14/2023: Heike Rebholz, PhD and Demetra Ballardin (PhD student) “Is the gut-brain axis altered in OCNDS?”

8/1/2023: Danielle Caefer, PhD “Multiplexed phosphoproteomic analysis of kinase specificity rewiring in patient-derived samples

2/8/2024: Gabrielle Rushing, PhD “OCNDS Research Roadmap: Feedback and Collaborative Opportunities”

8/8/2024: Clement Chow, PhD, "University of Utah, "Drug Repurposing Screen in CSNK2A1 Knockout Flies"

12/3/2024: Gabrielle Rushing, PhD “2025 Conference Brainstorming”

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