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Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

CSNK2A1 Foundation Logo

Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

Funding Opportunities

Matt Huentelman Ph.D.

Matt Huentelman Ph.D.

Professor and Director | Neurogenomics Division

Scientific Director
TGen's Center for Rare Childhood Disorders
Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen)

CSNK2A1 Foundation is excited to fund high-impact research studies to advance therapy development for OCNDS.

Funding levels will vary depending on capacity each year. We are currently focused on projects prioritizing the following categories:

  • iPSC characterization and drug screening 
  • Sleep studies (in OCNDS animal models or humans) 
  • Mechanism of action – genetic studies that will determine the mechanism of action of different OCNDS variants 
  • Gene therapy proof of concept studies 
  • Biomarker studies (EEG markers, phosphorylated protein studies, other)

We focus funding on two types of grants:

01  Research Grants

  • proposals investigating CSNK2A1 that aim to improve our understanding of OCNDS and/or move us closer to treatment options.

02  Resource-Building Grants

  • building research resources that will benefit the OCNDS research community (examples include but are not limited to: mouse models, cell lines, sequencing data etc.)

The Science Program Director and the Scientific Advisory Board of the CSNK2A1 Foundation review all research proposals and projects under consideration by the Foundation. 

Proposals are evaluated based on:

  • research objectives 
  • investigator's expertise 
  • the project's potential to accelerate the development of treatments for OCNDS patients

Open Opportunities

Currently, we are not accepting proposals. 


Please note that the CSNK2A1 Foundation does not fund indirect costs, also known as overhead or facilities and administrative (F&A) costs. Our policy stipulates that all grant funds must be allocated exclusively toward program expenses essential for grant execution and directly aligned with the project's objectives. 

If you would like to help drive OCNDS research by making a philanthropic gift, please contact us at info@csnk2a1foundation.org

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