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Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

CSNK2A1 Foundation Logo

Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

OCNDS Awareness Card

A logo for the csnk2a1 foundation
A genetic syndrome caused by a mutation on the csnk2a1 gene called okur-chung neurodevelopmental syndrome

Hello CSNK2A1 community!

Many of us feel uncomfortable or awkward when our loved one with OCNDS is presenting difficult or atypical behaviors in public/social situations where an easy way to share information about OCNDS without talking in front of them, or putting them in an uncomfortable position, would be helpful. The Parent Advisory Board, therefore, created this printable, easy-to-carry awareness card as a tool to help diffuse awkward moments with and/or unwanted intrusions by family, friends, and/or curious onlookers, while spreading awareness. This card is also a great way to let people know that your loved one might need some extra time or help in certain situations.

Examples of when the CSNK2A1 Awareness Card could be used:

  • Shopping in a store or being in a public place
  • Dropping off your child with a new care provider or camp counselor
  • Providing an easy reference to anyone who interacts with your loved one such as teachers and other school staff (e.g., administrators, health care, and special education providers); parents of classmates; and neighbors
  • Interacting with a security guard or police officer
  • When getting a vaccine or blood draw

You may print these cards on your own printer and/or take them to a local office supply place to be printed. We hope it will be a helpful tool for your family. (Other languages coming soon)

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